Home/CDC Priorities

Early Detection and Treatment of Cancer

The sooner cancer is detected, the sooner treatment can begin—which can result in less intensive treatments and reduced morbidity and mortality rates. We’ve developed a series of resources to help cancer control professionals improve cancer screening rates in their areas so that cancer can be detected and treated as early as possible.

Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month Toolkit

This toolkit provides information about gynecologic cancer symptoms, risk factors, prevention and early detection. View the

A Guide for Health Centers to Address Tobacco Use Among Agricultural Worker Patients

This guide will help health center staff address tobacco use among migratory and seasonal agricultural workers (MSAW) by highlighting: View the Resource

BRCA Genes and Breast Cancer

In this video, genetic counselor Joyce Turner, MSC, CGC, provides an overview of BRCA genes and their relationship to breast and ovarian cancer. She explains

Introduction to Early Onset Breast Cancer and Risk Factors

This video addresses risk factors for early onset breast cancer and explains to at-risk individuals how to proceed. View the

Health Equity Driven Approaches for Optimizing Outcomes in Low-Income Populations

This 2-part archived webinar series was designed to support multi-sector organizations with addressing the prostate cancer-related Healthy People 2030 National

Breast Cancer Screening

In this archived webinar, experts discussed how to understand the purpose of breast cancer screening and the options for those at average risk, factors that


This website provides data about colorectal cancer morbidity and mortality, along with information about prevention, early screening, treatment, and more. View

National Cancer Prevention Month: Innovations and Initiatives in Cancer Screening With Sally Werner

To highlight the latest advancements in cancer screening and advocacy, Sally Werner, RN, BSN, MSHA, CEO of Cancer Support Community, appeared in this podcast

Men’s Health and Colorectal Cancer: The Importance of Prevention and Screening with Follow Up

This fact sheet provides a snapshot of colorectal cancer in the United States, along with screening guidelines and tips for improving outcomes for men. View

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