Rural communities in Utah have high rates of obesity and low rates of physical activity.1,2 One of the major contributing factors to inadequate physical activity is the lack of bicycle and pedestrian infrastructures in rural communities.
1Utah Department of Health, Public Health Indicator Based Information System (2016, December 12). Health indicator report of obesity among adults. Retrieved from
2Utah Department of Health, Public Health Indicator Based Information System (2016, December 27). Health indicator report of physical activity: Recommended aerobic activity among adults. Retrieved from
PSE Change Solution
Road Respect Communities (RRC) was an existing program that functioned as the active transportation arm of the Utah Department of Transportation and provided local governments with support for their bicycle planning efforts by providing guidance for more bicycle-friendly environments.1 Through this initiative, project partners: identified communities most prepared and willing to work on an active transportation project, offered them funds to put toward improving active transportation infrastructure for all modes of transport, assisted communities in reaching designated RRC achievement levels, and completed a process evaluation of these efforts.
1Road Respect Communities (n.d.). Becoming a Road Respect Community. Retrieved from
Resources to Support Similar Evidence-Based Initiatives
The Community Guide:
What Works for Health:
Complete Streets & Streetscape Design Initiatives