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Hispanic or Latinx/a/o

Cancer Facts & Figures for Hispanic/Latino People 2024-2026

This report summarizes statistics on cancer occurrence, risk factors and screening for the Hispanic population in the continental U.S. and Hawaii, as well as

Hoja informativa sobre lasdisparidades en la saludrelacionadas con el tabaco

CDC developed this fact sheet, in Spanish, to address tobacco-related health disparities. View the Resource

Eliminar las enfermedades y muertesrelacionadas con el tabaco: Abordandolas disparidades

This guide, in Spanish, from the U.S. Surgeon General, is designed to help eliminate tobacco-related illness and death by addressing disparities. View the

Semana nacional de concientización sobre el Cancer en las familias hispanas

For National Hispanic/Latino Family Cancer Awareness Week 2024, Nuestras Voces Adelante (Our Voices Moving Forward Network) developed this guide, in Spanish,

State and Local Policies to Reduce Flavored Tobacco Use: Reversing the Tobacco Tipping Point Among Hispanic Youth

This report suggests state and local level policy interventions to reduce the use of flavored tobacco products among Hispanic youth. The report was developed

National Minority Health Month and Minority Cancer Awareness Week

National Minority Health Month and Minority Cancer Awareness Week National Minority* Health Month (NMHM) is observed annually in April. NMHM is an opportunity

Palliative Care: Your Guide

This patient fact sheet from the Foundation for Women’s Cancer provides a description of palliative care and lists resources for additional information

Menthol and Mental Healthc

This fact sheet from the National Behavioral Health Network for Tobacco & Cancer Control addresses use and outcomes associated with menthol cigarettes and

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