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Environmental Scans: Conducting a Landscape Analysis to Inform Your Interventions

This resource offers the three phases of an environmental scan process and their corresponding steps, and a worksheet to support your planning, implementation,

Practical Guidance for Embodying Equity in Implementation Part II

November 15, 2023 Topics: Coalitions Health Equity Implementation

This event from the Center for Implementation provided information on equity in implementation. View the

Recent Updates, Research & Resources to Support Increased Colorectal Cancer Screening in Community Health Centers

This Blue Star Conversation features a brief presentation on a recent study: “Uptake of colorectal cancer screening after mailed fecal immunochemical

Conducting Environmental Scans

This webinar from the American Cancer Society described a definition of environmental scans and discussed the four phases of Development, Implementation,

Equity Iceberg

August 7, 2023 Topics: Coalitions Health Equity Implementation

This infographic, from The Center for Implementation, visually demonstrates different ways to consider equity in program implementation. View the

Strategies for Implementing Evidence-Based Interventions in Cancer Screening

This presentation addresses strategies for implementing evidence-based interventions in cancer screening. View the Resource

State-Based Initiative Planning Tool

This planning tool from the National Lung Cancer Roundtable is designed to help build a state-based coalition to support the goals of the National Lung Cancer

Identifying and Implementing Evidence-Based Strategies in Comprehensive Cancer Control Planning

This webinar from the Geographic Health Equity Alliance highlighted examples of evidence-based strategies for cancer control and how these have been

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