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National Minority Health Month and Minority Cancer Awareness Week

National Minority Health Month and Minority Cancer Awareness Week National Minority* Health Month (NMHM) is observed annually in April. NMHM is an opportunity

Menthol and Mental Healthc

This fact sheet from the National Behavioral Health Network for Tobacco & Cancer Control addresses use and outcomes associated with menthol cigarettes and

Prostate Cancer Graphics

The National LGBT Network created social media graphics for  addressing the different needs for Prostate Cancer Awareness Month cancer screenings in

Intersectional Approach to Tobacco Cessation for LGBTQ+ People: A Masterclass

This archived webinar from the National Behavioral Health Network for Tobacco and Cancer Control explores the protective assets and challenges in

Caring for LGBTQ+ Individuals

This list of resources from ASCO is designed to advance heatlh equity for LGBTQ+ people with cancer. View the

Barriers the LGBTQ+ Community Faces in Accessing Clinical Research

Presented at the annual meeting of Patients as Partners in Clinical Research, Scout from the National LGBT Cancer Network speaks on Barriers the LGBTQ+

Frankly Speaking About Cancer: LGBTQ+ Diversity in Clinical Trials

February 28, 2023 Topics: Health Equity LGBTQ+ Treatment

This fact sheet from the Cancer Support Community addresses participation in clinical trials by members of LGBTQ+ communities. View the

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