American Indian or Alaska Native

This Health Affairs brief focuses on early research and practical evidence about health policy–led programs and policies that address social needs as a way to mitigate health disparities magnified during the COVID-19 pandemic.
These videos from the Patient Empowerment Network provide patient information on different aspects of prostate cancer, including ensuring quality care, barriers to care, and patient protection against care inequities.
This collection from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation shares key resources, research and emerging insights into the many factors that shape rural opportunity, health, and equity in America.
This collection of information from the National Native Network and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers a quitline and posters with tips for quitting smoking in a variety of languages.
This web page from the National Native Network features downloadable posters in various languages that contain tips about smoking and secondhand smoke.
This U.S. Cancer Statistics data brief analyzes screening-detectable cancer rates among non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations in Purchased/Referred Care Delivery Areas (PRCDA) counties across six regions: Alaska, Northern Plains, Southern Plains, Pacific Coast, East, and…
The NIHCM provides infographics related to COVID-19 and health equity.
For this webinar, leaders in public health discussed key issues that harm health in America’s Indigenous, Black and Latino communities, as well as solutions.
Rural America is economically, socially, culturally, geographically, and demographically diverse. This multidimensional diversity presents complex challenges and unique opportunities related to delivering health care and improving health outcomes and health equity in rural communities.
Data brief showing cancer incidence rates for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations living in select urban areas vary by geographic region. Rates in certain regions, such as Alaska and the Southern Plains, are higher in urban AI/AN compared with White populations.