Data and Evaluation

This report provides a brief overview of GW Cancer Center comprehensive cancer control technical assistance project in Year 4 of 5, "Building Cancer Control Capacity: Scaling Evidence to Practice to Advance Health Equity."
With this tool from the Center for Public Health Systems Science, stakeholders can rate their program across eight sustainability domains.
These slides describe the Reach-Efficacy-Adoption-Implementation-Maintenance (RE-AIM) Framework and apply it to a nutrition-focused PSE change effort in California.
Organizations can use this model to evaluate comprehensive community initiatives working to improve quality of life in the community.
PLACES provides health data for small areas across the country.
In November 2022, FDA and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released federal data from the 2022 National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS) on youth tobacco use in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: “Tobacco Product Use among Middle and High School Students — United States, 2022.”
Trust for America’s Health’s (TFAH) 19th annual report on the nation’s obesity crisis found that 19 states have obesity rates over 35 percent, up from 16 states in 2021, and that social and economic factors are key drivers of increasing obesity rates.
The CDC 2021 Adult Obesity Prevalence Maps for 49 states, the District of Columbia, and 3 U.S. territories show self-reported adult obesity prevalence by race, ethnicity, and location.
Through this site, explore national Health Center Program awardee aggregated data on patient characteristics, services provided, clinical processes and health outcomes, patients' use of services, staffing, costs, and revenues by viewing expanded summaries of UDS tables and a summary of key UDS data…
This site offers access to the enhanced version of the BRFSS Prevalence and Trends Tool.