Cancer Facts & Figures 2024 is an educational companion for Cancer Statistics 2024, a scientific paper published in the American Cancer Society journal, CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians.
This training from the GW Cancer Center addresses the impact of cancer treatment on the sexual health of cancer survivors.
The National LGBT Network created social media graphics for  addressing the different needs for Prostate Cancer Awareness Month cancer screenings in LGBTQ+ communities.
This archived webinar explores the protective assets and challenges in addressing tobacco use among LGBTQ+ populations with intersecting identities.
This list of resources is designed to advance heatlh equity for LGBTQ+ people with cancer.
This archived presentation suggests that one-size-fits-all clinical trials are not going to capture the diversity that researchers need to represent the world where it is now, and more importantly, where it will be in the future.
This fact sheet addresses participation in clinical trials by members of LGBTQ+ communities.
During this webinar, researchers from the University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center described rural/urban differences in health and access to healthcare, including differences in self-rated health, chronic conditions, and mental health outcomes.
This series of videos and accompanying resources addresses strengthening cancer health equity in LGBTQ+ communities.
Visit the National LGBT Cancer Network colorectal cancer toolkit microsite for more information on risk reduction, medical providers, as well as tips and information on survivorship.